PG&E shares National Preparedness Month safety tips


EUREKA – National Preparedness Month may be coming to an end, but being prepared for natural disasters is critical at any time.

Part of being prepared, is having a safety kit ready, so we spoke with PG&E about what supplies are important to put in your own.

First and foremost – food and water for three days, for each family member.

Second – first aid and medical supplies.

And third, in case your power goes out, light sticks and batteries.

Everyone’s pack will look a little different depending on your needs, but the best time to prepare for the unexpected is always now.

“Here in Humboldt County it can be anything from storms to earthquakes and tsunamis, so September is the perfect time to prepare your family for an emergency,” said PG&E Spokeswoman, Deanna Contreras, “That also includes having a plan! Where is your family going to evacuate? Such as if there is a wildfire, where is your family going to meet? Have an evacuation plan and practice that plan.”


PG&E also recommends keeping your gas tank half full in case of a need to make an emergency escape.

You can find even more safety tips, here: