Costumes for a cause: CAPE holds costume drive until November 10


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- Not all heroes wear capes, but this year if your child wants one to trick or treat in, CAPE has you covered. CAPE is the Community Access Project for Eureka, it’s supported by the city and its members work to bring quality services, and access to community events to everyone despite their socioeconomic condition.

The very first CAPE project was a Halloween costume drive. This year, the initiative was resurrected to bring fright and delight to children who might otherwise miss out on dressing up.

They’ve been collecting and distributing donations in the Adorni Center. They will continue to collect costumes until November 10th. According to organizers, hundreds of pint sized superheroes, princesses, and pumpkins will be out and about until the 31st because of the community’s generosity.

CAPE also encourages locals to donate this year’s costume after the festivities wrap up.

For more on CAPE:

Adorni Center Hours/Location: