Fighting for Faith: family battling childhood cancer receives special gift


HYDESVILLE, CA. – A community member surprised a family, and one of their daughters who is battling childhood cancer. with a new horse.

Faith Wrisley turns six next week, and is already a big fan of her new horse Ella.

For the past several years, Faith has been battling Wilms tumor, a kind of kidney cancer.

Kidney cancer does not usually show any obvious symptoms and is usually detected accidentally during tests for another condition. Blood can occur in the urine, and there may be persistent pain in your lower back or side. If you have any of these symptoms, it’s recommended you visit a urologist like the ones at Advanced Urology to find a diagnosis and discuss treatment options. Although it is unlikely you have kidney cancer, it is best to check just as Faith did.

One of the things Faith loves most in the world is her animals, and after the family lost their previous filly in an accident a couple of months ago, long-time family friend Crystal Johnston decided this was just the right time for the surprise.

Faith’s family hopes to be done with treatment for this relapse of her cancer by January, but it’s been determined Faith has two mutated genes which could cause the tumor to come back again.

Nonetheless, family and friends continue fighting for Faith.

To donate to the family, you can drop donations off at Bev’s Real Kids in Eureka and Cindy’s Styling Center or Figueiredo’s in Fortuna.

You can also donate online, here: