Sequoia Park Renovates “Snack Shack”


The “I Like Eureka” campaign teamed up with Eureka Police Department to renovate the Sequoia Park Snack Shack. And what better day to honor the newly remodeled shack than Earth Day.

Just one year ago “I Like Eureka’s,” Jeanie Breslin joined forces with EPD’s Susie Owsley when they realized that the city’s historical food shack had not been updated since around the 1960’s. They both share the same passion for their city and put that passion into giving the snack shack some TLC. The remodel of this shack proved that with teamwork anything is possible.

Owsley and Breslin ended up getting a great response from other members of the community and local businesses. Funding from locals, amounted to over $20,000, exceeding their expectations.

The snack shack is often heavily used by the public to rent for parties and other festivities throughout the spring and summer months.