National Day of the Teacher Met With Appreciation


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- We all have that one teacher. The one that made a splash in our lives, that we remember clearly for the lessons they taught (often in life as much as academics). Stacy Young, with the Humboldt County Office of Education points out that the Wednesday night banquet, honoring nine outstanding educators for excellence in teaching, is about those kinds of educators. The ones that make an impact long after the bell rings.

With more than 200 friends and family members in attendance, it was a great chance to recognize outstanding teachers (nominated by their colleagues).

This year Tony Kimura, Geri Van Emmerik, and Lynda Yeoman received a seperate accolade. It’s the Jean Olson Career Achievement Award. Jean Olsen recipients are exceptional veteran or retired teachers, who’ve show commitment through their lifelong contributions to public education, children and the community.