Making Moves Toward Making Movies: Film Commission’s Year in Review


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- The Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commissioner, Cassandra Hesseltine, went before the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors today to make a presentation on the work her organization has done in the past year.

In the seven years since Hesseltine has taken the helm, the film commission has helped the film industry to pour more than $9 million in to the economy. This year alone has been a big one, and its due largely to the pro-active approach of the office.

“Our goal is to educate location managers, producers, directors with what we have to offer.” Hesseltine explains, “So they’ll remember us in a couple years or six months down the road when they have the right project that comes across their desk. They could say, ‘Hey! I know where this is at.’ And they’ll think of us.”

The work commissioners do to keep this area on the forefront of the minds in Hollywood has paid off. This year we’ve seen the premiere of Disney’s “A Wrinkle in Time.” In January filming was underway in Del Norte County for “Bird Box” starring Sandra Bullock. At Sundance, “An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn” debuted and the executive producer now has scouts in Humboldt County for his next project.