Movies in the Park Return with “The Last Jedi”

Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- The Humboldt Del-Norte film commission is a non-profit organization working to boost the economy by attracting film to the North Coast. Tonight, they expand their scope to entertaining with the kick-off of another season of ‘Movies in the Park.’

The film screenings take place in the shade of towering redwood trees at Sequoia Park in Eureka. The movie is preceded by Looney Tunes, and an appearance by DJ Dub Cowboy. It’s family friendly, and film commission intern Maddie Dunlap says a great atmosphere for date night.

“It’s very Humboldt-y.” She says, “We all get together and watch a movie together, it’s very cute.” The park fills with the smell of popcorn and community members with blankets and lawn chairs.

This year promises the debut of a new screen (5 feet larger diagonally that the one used in years past), and the final film is “A Wrinkle in Time” part of which was actually shot at Sequoia Park. To keep track of upcoming events you can like the film commission on Facebook. You can also visit their website to learn more.

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