Humboldt Civil Grand Jury shares findings on juvenile court procedures, poor water quality


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) – Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury is sharing findings into county investigations on water quality, and juvenile court hearings.

After a “number of complaints from grandparents, friends, and foster parents”, the Grand Jury looked into the ability of childcare providers to offer input in juvenile court hearings, looking specifically into Child Welfare Services procures into assisting guardians through these hearings.

They say they found Child Welfare staff to be overworked, and determined communication needs to be improved in the process, along with more consistent foster parent training.

A number of recommendations and the full report is available, here.

Another topic of investigation was water quality and pollution along the North Coast.

Water quality is of concern after a number of Humboldt County beaches and waterways found their way onto the “Beach Bummer List”.

The Grand Jury worked with the Humboldt County Public Health Lab, and found main concerns stemming from blue-green algae, cannabis grows, and pollution from trash.

They also note that there are only five Humboldt County beaches tested regularly for water pollution levels, leaving in doubt the safety of our other county beaches.

More info on that report can be found, here.