Old Town Eureka due for a colorful makeover


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM) The first annual Eureka Street Art Festival is less than a month away and will be spreading color throughout the city. For the week of the festival, local and international artists will be painting murals and creating street art throughout Old Town Eureka, focusing primarily on Opera Alley, which runs between 2nd and 3rd streets.

“A lot of these buildings you know could use a coat of paint in one way or another,”  Jenna Catsos, Organizer of Eureka Street Art Festival, said. “And this is just a really creative way to get them looking a little more beautiful.”

The Eureka Street Art Festival runs from August 11 – 18, 2018 and the event is sponsored by Black Faun Gallery, Humboldt Cider Company and the City of Eureka.