Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center held paddle boarding course


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM) Ever wanted to go stand up paddleboarding? Instructors at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center taught beginner paddle boarders the fundamentals and safety tips of paddle boarding.

Participants had the opportunity to paddle themselves from in front of the center across to Woodley Island Marina, the course lasted two hours.

Assistant at HBAC, Kayley Weber, shares that when people want to learn the sport of paddle boarding, for her, it’s exciting.

“I personally love teaching beginners,” said Weber. “It’s getting down to what everything is and really explaining it and finding a bunch of different ways to explain it. Sometimes that’s hard for other people, but we’re pretty decent at it here.”

Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center hosts new programming and courses every Spring, Fall and Summer. You can also go paddle boarding all year long, except during the Winter season.