Locals collect physical donations for Mendocino Complex Evacuees

Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- More than 1,000 people are displaced in Lake and Mendocino counties. That’s why Humboldt County residents are stepping up to help our neighbors to the south.

Dan Hendricks owns 707 Graphics, located in the same building as Humboldt Motorsports. He’s delivered donations from Humboldt County to evacuees in Kelseyville and Middletown.

Because of the location of the evacuation centers for the Mendocino Complex physical donations to meet immediate needs are in higher demand. Cash and check donations are still being collected, but we’re told what’s needed most is bottled water, pet food, and N-95 masks. According to ASPCA estimates, at this point more than 25 hundred animals have been impacted by these wild fires. Donations are being collected throughout the week at Humboldt Motorsports.

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