Eureka residents learn about neighborhood watch and crime prevention at city block party


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM) Eureka residents took to Carson Park, Saturday, for the 3rd Annual City of Eureka, Neighborhood Watch Block Party.

This was a great opportunity for community members to meet neighbors and learn more about neighborhood watch and crime prevention.

Representatives from many local emergency service departments were also on hand to answer community questions.

The Neighborhood Watch Block Party took a lot of work to put together but Founder of I-Like-Eureka, Jeannie Breslin, shared it was all well worth it.

“It takes a lot of work but it’s a labor of love it’s something that we bring to our community every year. The community response and it’s a great opportunity to come on out and get to know your neighbor because that’s what it’s all about,” shared Breslin. “What makes our city so great is the quality of our community and the people that live here.”

The Neighborhood Watch Block Party was sponsored by the City of Eureka, Eureka Police Department and I-Like-Eureka.