Terra-Gen presents wind energy project to Humboldt Supervisors


EUREKA, CA., (KIEM)- If the county chooses to permit and approve the wind energy project proposed by Terra-Gen, up to 60 wind turbines will be installed on 65 acres near Scotia. Rex Bohn has called it the second largest project in Humboldt County History. The turbines could generate enough electricity to power 40,000 homes, and Terra-Gen would become the second largest tax contributor in the county.

At a presentation Tuesday before the board of supervisors, leadership from the energy company discussed the project’s potential to develop jobs. Up to 300 construction workers could have rolls in putting the wind farm together. Large equipment will be moved on private roads (that will have to be built), and supplies will be brought to Humboldt County on barges from the bay. Humboldt State University biologist

Dr. Rick Golightly has worked with Terra-Gen biologists in avian and bat impact studies as well. Aerial surveys are also underway, to assess raptor nesting habits in and around the area of Monument Mountain Road.