Hoopa grocery store construction expected to cause some traffic to post office


HOOPA, Ca. (KIEM) – Construction of the Hoopa Valley Tribe Grocery Store is expected to block traffic to the post office this week.

Here is what the Hoopa Valley Tribe Grocery Store wrote about the progress on Monday on their Facebook page:

A brief update about Grocery Store Construction: due to the construction team needing to connect the utility systems between the Grocery Store building and the lot across the street, there will be minor traffic delays for anyone needing access to the Post Office. Recently, we have received word that the Post Office will remain open–regardless of the traffic delays.

With that in mind, we want to ensure that the community is updated on why the construction team is working on this section of road until further notice. Additionally, a more detailed store update will be released later this week. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; your patience is greatly appreciated.