Humboldt Steelhead Days in full swing

Blue Lake, Ca.,(KIEM) Humboldt Steelhead Days are upon us and Sunday hosted a fishing event for anglers of all ages.

The California Department of Fish & Wildlife in conjunction with the annual HSD fishing contest donated a trout pond where parents and children learned how to catch a trout and then learned how to clean one.

Humboldt Steelhead Days’ primary purpose is to showcase and fundraiser for the iconic winter steelhead and the coastal rivers that nourish them.

“Our competitions have always really circulated around adults and last year we had a child participant that was so excited about their catch,” said Program Manager Caroline Hall. “And we realized that it’s not just parents that are excited about fishing Stillheads out at the river or anything, it’s the kids too. It’s really important to educate them and encourage them to continue to do so, but do so responsibly.”

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