Humboldt County Students Workout to Raise Money for School


REDWOOD FIELDS, CA (KIEM) – Students jog in a circle at Redwood Fields to raise money for their school.

Northern United Humboldt Charter School does the annual fundraiser for needed supplies and equipment. Each student is sponsored by another person.

The donation is based on a dollar amount multiplied by how many laps the student runs. One 8th grader ran 43 laps, and his dad said he would give him $10 per lap.

 “My dad tested me. He’s like if you run anything over like 40 or 30 I’m disowning you. He pledged $10 a lap thinking I was going to run like 20 or something. I was like, I bet you I’m going to run more than that. I’m proud of myself cause that’s the highest amount of laps I’ve ever run, but like it hurts,” said Kaleb Redman, 8th grader at Northern United Humboldt Charter School.

On Monday’s Sporting Youth, Leon Purvis will have more on how the Jog-a-Thon went and the school’s Field Day.