With Warm Weather Approaching, Environmental Experts Say to be on the Lookout for Algae Blooms

HUMBOLDT COUNTY (KIEM) – with warmer weather approaching, you can expect to see some algae in bloom.

Environmental experts are asking the public to be careful when heading out to the waters.

Cyanobacteria or Blue Green Algae can normally be found in local lagoons or rivers. Experts say, algae tend to bloom around this time of the year because of higher temperatures and lower water flows.

Environmental experts say, if you plan to head out to the waters, and see unclean or unsafe water make sure to report it right away. Experts add, just because algae is present, it doesn’t always mean that the toxins are being released.

If you want learn more about algae blooms you can visit mywater quality.ca.gov/habs. To report harmful blooms, you can email cyanohab.reports@waterboards.ca.gov.

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