2-Lane Drop Off Zone coming to Washington Elementary School

Eureka, Ca., (KIEM) Back to school season is here, and for some, that means it’s time to prepare for the dreaded school drop-off lane.

Luckily for parents of Washington Elementary traffic congestion will be no more.

A two-lane drop off zone for students will be a new addition to the Washington Elementary School in Eureka.

Construction crews are actively constructing a two-lane drop location on the side of Chester Street.

The new addition is funded by Measure S. and is essential for the schools’ community because student safety is a priority said new principle, Tami Beall.

“The idea is to improve student safety so that students have direct access on to the school way from the street,” said Beall. “So when the parents come in and drop them off, it’s instant access into the school ground.”

The drop off zone will be ready to go on the first day of school.

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