Virtual “Shelter-in-Place” Town Hall Highlights the Economic Impact of Covid-19

Humboldt County, Ca. (KIEM) — The current public health emergency and the economic challenges residents have faced amid the Coronavirus outbreak are just two hot topic issues up for discussion at a recent virtual town hall.

The digital event featured Congressman Jared Huffman, Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich, Greg Foster from the Redwood Region Economic Development Commission, and Leila Roberts from the North Coast Small Business Development Center.

Huffman arguing that we are facing two crises at once, but acknowledged how state and local health care providers are stepping up to the challenge.

A big question on everyone’s mind? When the local economy would be back up and running. Dr. Frankovich says plans are in the works, but any transition back to normal will need to be gradual and based on facts and data.

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