Historic wildfire incidents ripping through parts of California, Local crew sends support


HUMBOLDT CONTY, Calif. (KIEM)-This has been a very active fire season in the state of California, with fires labeled as two of the largest wildfires burning simultaneously, according to Cal Fire Battalion Chief Paul Savona with the Humboldt-Del Norte unit.

Resources have been moved throughout the state for support.

“We’ve have received the most lighting strikes since we have recorded as far back as 1987,” said Savano. “We’ve burned over 1.2M acres and have over 240,000 people evacuated.

“The Lake Napa Unit Lighting Complex is currently the second largest wildfire in California history, with the Santa Clara Complex now being the third largest fire in history.”

Right now, the Cal Fire Humboldt-Del Norte Unit has assigned resources to incidents outside the local area, which consists of two bulldozers, eight hand-crews and their helicopter.

The unit is in what you call a “draw down level” which means they have less than their normal amount of resources, but when their resources are used to assist outside areas, due to significant fires, the local government steps up and fills that void, according to Savona.

“We asked that people just really be aware of what they’re doing outside,” he said. “With out current conditions our fine fuels are really receptive and would allow for rapid fire spread, so we ask that people really be careful in their outdoor activity.”