Hopkins Fire merges with Elkhorn Fire, prompts evacuation orders in 3 counties

MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — The Hopkins Fire has merged with 3 other fires, and is now a part of the Elkhorn Fire burning on the Mendocino, Shasta-Trinity, and Six Rivers National Forests. The fire has grown to 255,309 acres and is 27% contained.

We’ve talked about evacuation orders for southern Humboldt, but looking at Mendocino and Trinity counties.

Mendocino has issued evacuation orders for south of the county line, east of Bell Springs Road, north of Bell Springs Creek, and west of the north fork of the Eel River. South of the county line, west and north of the north fork of the Eel River, and north and east of Bald Mountain are included in that order as well. Evacuation centers are set up at Covelo High School, and the Covelo Rodeo Grounds is accepting animals and livestock.

Trinity County has issued evacuation orders for the communities of Zenia, Kettenpom, Hettenshaw Valley, and all areas south of Ruth. An evacuation point has been set up at Southern Trinity High School.

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