Northern California Community Blood Bank introduces new Bloodmobile


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)-The Northern California Community Blood Bank introduced their very new bloodmobile earlier today.

The new bloodmobile made its way all the way from Ohio here to the North Coast. Farber Specialty Motors helped make the design possible and bring the vision to the blood bank.

The mobile will make trips all the way to our north in Crescent City and will even make its way south down to Garberville.

For the past year the blood bank has been raising money for through a mixture of grant funding and community donations. All together this helped to raise $350,000 to make the bloodmobile possible.

The bloodmobile will help to serve blood donors, patients, and hospitals throughout Humboldt and Del Norte county.

The blood bank is currently in need of O-negative, O-positive, and A-negative blood.