Free online English classes offered, Fundraiser held to keep non-profit going


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-According to the U.S. Census, nearly 12% of Humboldt County households speak a language other than English at home.

Local English teacher Mary Ann Hytken saw a need and started a non-profit to fill a void in the community.

“English Express was really created to meet more than just language needs of our newest members of Humboldt County,” said the founder of the non-profit. “It also gives them direct connections to community support services, and it takes them on educational field trips so that they can get to learn about Humboldt County, but it also gives people in Humboldt County an opportunity to meet them, as well.”

English language classes are available to anyone interested.

Future students can join the free online classes which are held Tuesday and Thursday nights and Thursday mornings.

Classes typically last for about an hour – and cover topics such as vocabulary, verbs and idioms – and focus on grammar and the mechanics of writing.

The program is normally funded through grants. However, due to the pandemic funds *through* grants have been placed on hold, according to Hytken. A fund raiser is being held to keep the program going.

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