There has been a shift in symptoms people are showing for COVID-19

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- When the coronavirus pandemic first started, medical experts focused on symptoms like fevers, sore throats and coughs.

Nine months later, there has been a shift in the symptoms people are reporting.

In Humboldt County, up to 30% of people that have tested positive for COVID-19 have had diarrhea, headaches and muscle pain as their main symptoms.

Things like sore throats, fevers and difficulty breathing are lower on the list of symptoms displayed. 

“So we need to look at these other symptoms that are not just respiratory that are not just cough, difficulty breathing or fever,” said Dr. Stephanie Dittmer, President of the Humboldt/Del Norte County Medical Society. “It’s not to say that fevers are not important but we need to look at these other things.”

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Dr. Dittmer says gatherings of any size should be limited because of the spike in COVID-19 cases.

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