Plan in place should COVID surge exacerbate health care capacity, says public health


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-The Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services says, they have a plan in place should a local surge exacerbate health care capacity.    

“In the event we do see an impact in our health care system, that we are getting over burdened with filling beds that type of thing, we have been, again planning with our alternate care site and we would be talk about activating care site if it becomes necessary,” said County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich.   

She says, the county has planned for this type scenario for some time.  

“Again, we will be robustly staffing as much as possible, through the holiday and after the holiday,” she said.  

She says for contact tracing purposes – their goal – to maximize testing availability.

“Were asking the community, of course, to follow the guidance,” she said.  

The California Department of Public Health, says there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, however there are ways to prevent illness by adopting safe practices. 

They advise the public to stay home, except for essential needs, practice social distancing, wear a mask when you leave the house, wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

“There has been very little linked to outdoor events in terms of large outbreaks that’s not all but when we look at even our cases locally, the things that have occurred outdoors is less likely to spark an outbreak in cases then things that happen indoors.” 

Frankovich says, we’ll likely see an increase in cases in next few weeks – but remains optimistic.   

“I would be surprised if locally we saw a decrease, I think we’re still in a position we’re we could contain this, and help to stabilize particularly again if people’s activities over the holiday don’t push this forward, my expectation is that we will see an increase in activity,” she said.   

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