Free virtual forum focused on technology and effects on native youth open to public


ARCATA, Calif. (KIEM)-Two Feathers Native American Family Services or NAFS is hosting virtual forums focused on technology and its effect on native youth. 

The free event features national and international experts in the subject.

Everyone is welcome to attend – however reservations are required.

The next event will be held Wednesday at noon, and will feature Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, an expert on mental health, addiction and the digital impact on society.

Each forum will last about 2 hours – more information can be found on the Two Feather’s Facebook page or by clicking here.

According to Executive Director Dr. Virgil Moorehead Jr. with Two Feathers NAFS, the COVID pandemic has pushed youth in more psychiatric distress.

“At Two Feathers, we have identified one major issue to be the use and misuse of technology and its impact on child and adolescent development,” he said. “During these times, this issue has become even more pressing. 

“If you work with children and young adults, are a parent or are just interested in this discussion, we urge you to tune in.”

Moorehead says, the forum targets those interested in improving the mental children.

To view a full agenda visit the Two Feather website by clicking here or on their Facebook page by clicking here.

To attend, reserve your space by clicking here.

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