Dr. Ian Hoffman talks youngest Covid-19 death locally, delays in reporting Covid-19 related deaths


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — Earlier this week, the Humboldt County Public Health Department reported a resident in their 50’s passed away with Covid-19, the youngest death locally since the start of the pandemic.

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According to County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman, it can sometimes take days for a Covid-19 death to be reported. It has to go through a data system to get to Public Health, which can sometimes take days. If someone who lives in Humboldt passes away outside of the County then there can be even more of a delay as that information has to go through a state-based system. As soon as it’s received, it’s reported on the county dashboard immediately.

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“It certainly hits very hard on us here in our community. I think we also have to remember and recognize that this has affected so many communities across California, across the world, and this is exactly the kind of thing we’re trying to prevent with all the measures,” according to County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman.

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There have been 25 Covid-19 related deaths reported in Humboldt County since the start of the pandemic.