Eureka City Schools’ educators begin to receive Covid-19 vaccine invitations, return to in-person learning delayed


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — The Humboldt County Public Health Department recently announced invitations for Covid-19 vaccination appointments are beginning to be rolled out to educators. For one local school district, it’s pushing back the plan to get kids back in the classroom.

The Eureka City Schools District has 525 employees next in line to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. There are 175 educators placed in group 1, those that have direct contact with students in-person, have been sent vaccination appointment invitations. That’s pushing back the timeline for a return to in-person learning.

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“Since it’s only group 1 it’s highly unlikely, in fact nearly impossible, that we’ll make that february 22nd date because we’re not anticipating the group 2 educators to be able to make their appointments and start getting their vaccinations until around february 12th,” according to Eureka City Schools Superintendent Fred Van Vleck.

A new date has not been set. All staff members must have both the 1st and 2nd round of shots available to them then wait the 5 to 14 days for full efficacy. New guidelines from the State’s public health department mean that Eureka High School cannot fully reopen. That’s until the County moves back into the red tier.

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“They never went back to full in-person. We’ve had intervention, special education classes, equipment dependent classes such as shop type classes and specific computer software type classes. Those have been in person, but it hasn’t been a full reopening like we’re working with in some of our elementary schools,” Van Vleck says.

Van Vleck adds that vaccinations are an important step in ensuring in-person learning is done safely. Despite the setback, teachers and school staff are eager to get back to normal.

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“It’s providing that glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel here that we’re going to get back and do what it is we do and really work in this career we all love so much, which is working with students in person and not virtually over the computer,” Van Vleck says.

Public Health says they expect all educators and support staff to receive an invitation by mid-February, depending on vaccine availability.