County now in red tier, modified restrictions for businesses


DEL NORTE COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-Del Norte county has been in the red tier for more than a week now, which means Covid-19 guidelines have been modified for businesses.

According to Executive Director Cindy Vosburg with the chamber of commerce, restaurants were hit the hardest, and can now reopen at 25% capacity for indoor dinning.

Gyms can also re-open, but only at 10% capacity, churches are also included on the list of places that can allow patrons inside their facility.

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Vosburg urges everyone to follow state and county guidelines, she says they are put in place to allow for a safer reopening.

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“We are so thrilled to be back into the red again, we took very seriously our guidelines form our health department of being able to wash up, mask up and social distance, and no large gatherings,” she said. “So, it’s very critical that we continue to do that as a business community and make sure we don’t move back into the purple tier.”

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For up-to-date Del Norte restrictions and COVID-19 guidelines, click here.

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