Eureka Street Art Festival kicks off In August


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- The fourth annual Eureka Street Art Festival will be spreading color throughout downtown Eureka from August 7 to the 14.

This year, the art festival will focus on the 101 corridor, and will be painting a number of wayfinding and welcoming murals.

Organizers of the event say they have eight murals in the works being painted by nine artists, almost all of them being local.

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Normally, the art festival works on about 20 murals and hosts a block party, but because of the unknown nature of the pandemic, the organizers say they will focus their energy on bringing some huge murals to Eureka.

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“We still wanted to do a festival but we knew that the walking around and the festival aspect of it wasn’t really going to happen, but we still thought that we could safely bring live art to the community,” said Michelle Cartledge, the Co-Coordinator for the Eureka Street Art Festival.

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For more information on this year’s event or if you would like support the art work, click here.