The latest on the Knob Fire near Trinity and Humboldt County

WILLOW CREEK, Calif. (KIEM)- Good news for fire crews who are battling the Knob fire burning along the border of Trinity and Humboldt County. The size of the fire is still just over 24-hundred acres, and containment is now at 89 percent.

The firefighters working the Knob Fire near Willow Creek have been able to make great progress. The size of the fire has not increased over the weekend, and the amount of containment is up. But, crews have run into an issue with the northwest side of the fire near Panther Ridge. 

“We have focused a lot of our priority on the Knob Fire over the past week…we put a lot of handline, a lot of dozer lines working on the back of residents back yard to make sure it wasn’t advancing in their backyard,” said John Milanowski, PIO U.S. Forest Service. 

Milanowski said the priority was life and property, which is why resources from the Monument fire got diverted to the Knob Fire.

“The fire was right at people’s houses, and what those gentlemen did to save our home. It kinda makes you cry just a little; I mean, how can you not because you see with real clarity how close the fire came to taking out our town,” Rikki Chamber, Willow Creek Residents. 

Though some evacuation orders have become warnings, China Creek Road at Hodgson Road, Friday Ridge Road, and Panther Road remain closed.

“It’s really cool to see the signs around town because thank you is not even close to enough,” said Rikki Chamber.

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