Humboldt High School students walk out of school to support sexual assault victims


Fortuna, Calif. (KIEM)- Today, high school students around Humboldt held a walk-out rally. Students organized the rallies on social media this past weekend. They then planned to dress in white to support fellow students that have been victims of sexual assault. While others choose to dress in black and blue to say they do not support false accusations.

According to multiple students at Fortuna High School, a few students have come forward about being victims of sexual assault by students from Fortuna High School, and nobody has been held accountable. 

“They made like a little banner and posted it on social media, and then a lot of people started reporting and taking pictures, and then it became a big thing. And I think some just decided on Monday when school starts we were going to walk out…school should be a safe place that’s what we were fighting for, the school should do something for sexual assault,” Ken Yang, Student at Fortuna High School.