Eureka Rally for Reproductive Rights and Abortion Justice at the Humboldt County Courthouse


EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM)- Today, women’s rights advocates gathered around the country to protest against the country’s most restrictive abortion law launching a series of 660 marches around the United States to support reproductive freedom.

A crowd gathered at the Humboldt County Courthouse chanting with posters in hand in response to Texas’s six-week abortion ban. The protest was put together by planned parenthood in Eureka. The rally is set to defend and protect reproductive rights.

“And Texas is pushing to threat for our nation, and we need to be heard, so that doesn’t continue,” Megan Hughes, a Eureka resident.

In September, Texas issued a restrictive abortion law; it uses a unique legal approach and interferes with citizens to enforce it, known as the Texas Heartbeat Act and Senate Bill 8.

It has had a strong effect causing two dozen abortion clinics to no longer offer abortion services in cases where cardiac activity is detected, which usually begins at around six weeks of pregnancy.

On Friday, a federal judge heard arguments from the state of Texas and the federal government on whether the Texas law that bans nearly all abortions in the state should be suspended as the courts decide if it is legal.

“I actually do not come out to rallies hardly at all. So this one, I drove an hour and a half to be here,” Vicki Dillard,  Resident from Mad River. 

Senate Bill 8 was passed by the Texas legislature and signed into law by Governor  Greg Abbott, and the law would need to be enforced by private citizens filing civil lawsuits.

Those private parties are entitled to10 thousand dollars, and their legal fees are recovered if they successfully sue those who aid an abortion.