Clarke Presents a Pickup Dinner Catered by Frybread Love


EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM)- The Clarke Historical Museum celebrates indigenous month along with Frybread Love. They will be hosting a pick-up dinner at The Clarke plaza on October 22nd from 3 to 6 P.M. Frybread Love will be serving sweet Frybread and Indian tacos.

Frybread is an essential staple in native communities and a comfort food born from displacement and the destruction of traditional resources and foodways replaced by government commodity foods.

You are welcome to show up at the event or pre-order at 

“She’s really excited about it, and she’s donating part of the proceeds to the Clarke for the continued renovations and work that we do there, so we are really excited about working with her on this,” said Dana Fredsti, Events Coordinator with Clarke Museum.