Damaging winds and heavy rain have caused many events to be canceled or postponed


HUMBOLDT, Calif.(KIEM)- We woke up to some scattered showers this morning that will continue throughout the day. It has also been a windy day with scattered showers sticking around through the evening—those showers’ managing to affect events.

As we approach Halloween, many events were planned to be held this weekend, but damaging winds and heavy rain have caused many occasions to be canceled or postponed.

“Evidently, with frybread, there are two things when it is humid, there is a lot of moisture in the air. The dough doesn’t always do what the dough is supposed to do, which could be problematic, and also, they don’t have a food truck or a booth,” Events Coordinator with The Clarke Historical Museum.

The very anticipated 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree virtual harvest ceremony was supposed to be held Sunday. But, due to the weather, they had to change the date and time. At the same time, other events choose not to cancel.

“Our markets are rain or shine, so your loyal market staff will always be here no matter what the weather is. Unless every single last vendor wants to cancel, we are going to be here anyway,” said Laura Hughes, Director with North Coast Growers’ Association.

If you choose to leave your house this weekend, make sure you don’t forget to grab a raincoat and umbrella if you step outside this weekend.