“Share the Magic of Christmas” Toy Drive and Santa For Seniors


EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM)- Humboldt Bay Fire Share t, the Magic for Christmas Campaign, has officially started receiving toys for their annual toy drive. In the 1920s, firefighters began collecting and fixing toys for local, underprivileged children. The tradition to give back for the holidays continues. It makes the toy drive the oldest and longest-running toy drive in Humboldt County.

“Obviously, things are a little different today, but the firefighters here still use their off duty hours to go and work toy drives, and they are going to be at the Holiday Fair at Redwood Acres collecting toys,” said Amy Segui-Conlin, Community Risk Reduction Specialist for Humboldt Bay Fire.

As the tradition grew, Humboldt Bay Fire partnered up with the Salvation Army to distribute the toys to children in the community who may not otherwise receive a gift for the holidays. 

The big red barrels can be found around Eureka Fire stations and businesses. They are aiming to help out over 600 families this holiday season.

In addition to the toy drive, Humboldt Bay Fire will partner with Humboldt Senior Resource Centers for the white bag program.

Local school children decorate the white bag given to over 400 local senior citizens who are part of the meal program.

“And Humboldt Bay Fire collects donations through their Santa for Seniors Program, which goes along with their annual toy drive, and they provide half of the financial donations that they receive to the Santa for Seniors program,” said Tasha Romo, Director of Nutrition and Activities for Humboldt Senior Resource Center. 

The bags will be filled with food and treats for the holidays as well as a warm meal.

“We are fortunate to be able to run this program, and the joy that it gives our community, both young and older folks, so we were blessed to be able to give back that and hope that you will join us,” said Amy Segui-Conlin.