PG&E plans to restore transformer from Potter Valley powerhouse that will take years to repair


MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif.(KIEM)- PG&E announced this week that while it plans to restore the hydroelectric plant in Mendocino County, the repairs could take years to complete. 

Now that a deal has fallen through for other parties to take over Potter Valley powerhouse, PG&E said it will begin to repair work to restore the facility.

A blown transformer found during an inspection last year is at the top of the list to be replaced. 

“Even if the plants are not running, we incur the ownership cost of diverting that water, making economic sense. It will actually pay for itself after about five years of operation,it’s in the best interest of our customers to replace that transformer,” said Paul Moreno, Spokesperson for PG&E. 

Over time the company says operating the powerplant wasn’t cost-effective, that’s when it began to look for buyers.

“The basin partners came together to see if they can come up with a solution and see if they could acquire this facility…on January 31st, they sent a letter to FERC to tell them they were not going to be seeking that new license by the April deadline,” said Paul Moreno.

As PG&E  moves forward to restart the plant and operate it, the utility says it will take several years before it begins generating electricity again.