Baby goats used as therapy for healthcare workers at Providence Hospital


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- Over the past two years with the pandemic — it’s been a particularly stressful time for front-line healthcare workers.

Now, some 4-legged friends are being utilized to help relieve stress at Providence St. Joseph and Redwood Memorial Hospitals.

Hospital workers getting to hold baby goats for a few hours today to reduce the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic.

The goats are just a few days old and come from the Francis creek ranch in Ferndale.

The idea for the goat therapy session came from a video posted by a hospital in Oregon.

“One of our doctors, Dr. Charles Noel, who is the head of our rehabilitation services, sent me a link to a video that talked about baby goat therapy, and it was adorable. And it also talked about how being able to take a break in a green space was nice,” said Robert Luskin-Hawk, Chief Executive of St. Joseph Hospital.