Six Rivers Lightning Complex Fire Grows 1%


Willow Creek, Calif. (KIEM)- Over the weekend they lost one percent containment on the Six Rivers Lightning Complex Fire, bringing total containment to down eighty percent. Although there are still some areas of concern, personnel are confident in many of those containment lines and continue to make progress on the fire. 

“When the inversion lifted and the smoke in the air cleared, it brought more air into the fire, which made these areas become more active,” said Kimberly Kaschalk, the one of the public information officers at the fire base camp. “We want to reassure the public that, yes, we did have some activity in these areas, but we had both air and ground crews working to get these areas back under control,” said Kaschalk.

For many of the nearby residents, fire season has become a recurrent and concerning disturbance to their day to day lives. 

“First time I’ve ever actually had to be evacuated from a place and stay somewhere else, you know?…My partner was working. She works down in town. So I guess that was the roughest part was she still had to go to work every day because still got to work, you know,” said Phillip Wren, a Willow Creek resident. 

Another Willow Creek resident, Brian Bottemiller says that the recurring fires grow to be more and more of a concern for him every year. 

“even if you’re not having to worry about being evacuated, there’s so much smoke in the air, it’s hard to really be outside, enjoy the outdoors just because the smoke, whether it’s coming from a quarter of a mile away or 50 miles away, you know, we still get the smoke,” said Bottemiller 

To check the evacuation status of your zone you can visit the zonehaven website: