Local Youth get a Late Christmas with ‘Shop with a Cop’

Eureka Police Officer in front of a shopping cart of children's toys and clothing picked out by the three girls on the left.
Eureka Police Officer in front of a shopping cart of children's toys and clothing picked out by the three girls on the left. Originally taken on Dec. 10, 2020. | Taken by the Eureka Police Department

A parade of cop cars could be seen traveling from the Wharfinger to Target in Eureka this afternoon!

This is because the previously cancelled December’s Shop With A Cop was rescheduled for today. The original event had originally been cancelled due to the many earthquakes at the time.

The fifty pre-selected kids met with the Humboldt County Police at the Wharfinger after school before briefly socializing and loading up into the cop cars to Target. The children were escorted by the police as they picked out gifts for themselves utilizing the donations for the event gathered that year.

The program purpose is to support economically disadvantaged kids during the holidays through the yearly donations raised by the community.