Black Humboldt celebrates their five-year anniversary

Photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos

Black Humboldt was founded in April 2018 with the purpose to create a community for Black people in Humboldt County. This year Black Humboldt is celebrating its five-year anniversary as an organization and community efforts.

“The main focus of the block party is to celebrate all the people we’ve been able to bring together,” said Mo Harper-Desir, a volunteer coordinator with Black Humboldt. “All the amazing Black and Brown-owned businesses that we collaborate with all the amazing things we can do when the community comes together.”

The block party was held on I St in Arcata in front of the Cider Bar and the North Coast Co-Op from noon to 7 p.m. If people missed the block party celebration Harper-Desir adds that there will be another Black Humboldt event on June 17 to celebrate Juneteenth– a national and federal holiday. 

“We love creating community,” Harper-Desir said. “We really have found a home for Black and Brown bodies in Humboldt County on the northern coast. Juneteenth is right around the corner, so if you don’t make it out to the block party you can still come celebrate with us. Celebrate inclusion, diversity and community [at] Halvorsen Park [in Eureka], Saturday, June 17,[from] 12 to 10 p.m.”