Humboldt Grange is hosting their second Kids Swap Meet  


Next Saturday, July 15 starting at 9 a.m. the Humboldt Grange #501 is hosting its second Kids Swap Meet for families and friends to enjoy. 

“We encourage kids to come and join us and we encourage shoppers, whether it’s Grandma’s coming to pick up something for their kids or kids making room in their closet and picking up new stuff,” said Kathy Moley the Secretary of Humboldt Grange #501. 

Moley adds that they are still taking sign-ups for the event and if parents or children are interested they can reach out to Humboldt Grange #501 via phone (707) 442-4890 or email (

“It is geared for kids six to 18 to come and have a table space and kind of a flea market setting,” Moley said. “Where they kind of clean out their closets maybe or do something if they have a bake sale and raise a little money for summertime travel or summertime fun.”

Some information for the shoppers includes bringing cash or electronic forms of payment such as Venmo or Cash App. However, not every parent or child may have electronic forms of payment. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic halted event gatherings, it has been a few years since the last Kids Swap Meet event. According to Moley, they hope to continue organizing this event annually in July.

“We’re looking forward to giving kids an opportunity to be vendors and kind of learn that merchandizing and how to sell and make a little bit of money,” Moley said. “So it’s a learning opportunity for them, but we’re looking forward to having a good time.”