North Coast Weather Forecast: Wednesday, August 9th


Getting through the rest of our evening hours, we will continue to have a build up in clouds around the coastal areas, with heavy fog expected in lower elevation. Temperatures will drop just to the 50s for overnight lows. Winds will be on the calm side. To start off our Thursday, we will have mostly cloudy conditions for the morning hours and much of the afternoon. A little bit of sunshine for the late afternoon hours can be expected. Inland areas will have a few clouds in the morning, otherwise plenty of sunshine. Temperatures will be in the 60s through 90s for highs and winds will be coming from the northwest around five to ten miles per hour. For the rest of the week, we can expect a mix of sun and clouds for the coastal cities and sunshine inland. Temperatures will stay in the 60s through 90s. For this weekend, we are looking to have hot temperatures for the inland areas, with highs expected to reach up to 106 degrees by Sunday. The hot temperatures are expected to stick around inland as we get through the first half of next week as well. Coastal cities can expect upper 60s to low 80s for highs starting Sunday as well. More sunshine can be expected all around as well. Isolated thunderstorms look to develop for the inland areas of Humboldt county and all of Trinity county as well from Saturday to Monday of next week.