People enjoy Friday the 13th by getting tattoos and piercings


Many tattoo and piercing shops have a tradition of having sales on Friday the 13th. Redwood News reporter went to a few different shops to talk to people getting tattoos and piercings.

“We’re here today because we heard about Friday the 13th,” said Nataly Flores, a piercing getter. “They’re having flash sales, like with piercings and tattoos. So I guess we’re one of the people who are here to get some piercings.”

People are even getting a tattoo for the first time this Friday the 13th.

“I’m here to get my first professional tattoo on Friday the 13th with my best friend if she shows up because I think it would be a really fun memory,” said Iris Samuels Mctear, a tattoo getter. “And I want to remember my friendship with her, and they’re cheap.”

Others are fanatics of Friday the 13th and get a tattoo every time this date comes around.

“I’m here to get a tattoo. I’m hoping to get throughout the day at least three as I go to different tattoo shops,” said Zoëy Saylor, a tattoo getter. “I always get Friday the 13th tattoos and it’s one of my favorite things. Humboldt used to not have a lot of Friday the 13th tattoo deals and I think from popular demand they’ve been doing it the last few years, which is really cool.”

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