Burnt Ranch resident helps Violet the dog return to her owner


Burnt Ranch resident Tony Lynch was going about his day when he noticed a dog by Highway 299.

“The next morning, which would have been Christmas eve morning, I started hearing crying,” Lynch said. “A dog in distress and I could hear it form inside the house. And as soon as it started to get light, I started walking down here to the road, I could see the girl on the other side of the road coming towards me.”

That dog’s name is Violet, all out and about by her lonesome without her owner anywhere in sight. Violet was located here near Cedar Flat Picnic Area, howling for her owner and wandering back and forth.

Lynch kept watch of the dog, trying to bring her home and get her safely across to his side, even using a drone to track violet from the sky above.

Lynch kept other residents of Willow Creek and nearby on Facebook via the Willow Creek, California Bulletin Board. Comments and reactions poured in wondering what was next for violet and tony.

“You could see the emotional attachment that people had developed to this early on. I was receiving messages and good luck post immediately, people offering to help,” Lynch said.

Flares were left by Caltrans on the cedar flat bridge to help violet see clearly into the night.

One method was using an improvised trap with food to help get violet safe in collaboration with Two Rivers Pet and Wildlife Welfare Services. Another trap included a net trap, but both proved to be of no avail.

A reunion was set up between Violet’s owner after messaging Lynch on Facebook saying it was her dog.

“The lady came up. We parked away from her and she approached by herself. We got to the corner where Violet was hiding. All she did was say her name and immediately the dog came running up to her, just happy beyond belief,” Lynch said.

Violet was safe on the afternoon on new year’s eve, being dubbed violet the wonder dog after being reunited.

Lynch himself was happy to help bring violet home, ending his 2023 on a high note.

“My wife wasn’t exactly happy about it, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It was worth every minute of it,” Lynch said. “God gave me the opportunity to try and help this dog. Then he took all the prayers of the people of willow creek and amplified it enough to where we was able to find her person and get them home.”

Violet’s owner wishes to be anonymous at this time. Violet was also reunited with her brother.