Gearing up for Super Bowl LVIII


With Super Bowl Sunday fast approaching, we talked to some folks to see whether or not they watch for the game or stay for the party and who they’re rooting for to win.

Tom Doyle, an out-of-towner visiting the North Coast all the way from Chicago, said that he’s purely a football fan but does enjoy spending time with friends and family.

 “I more watch football to watch football if I’m watching it, so I’m not so much on the social side of the equation as opposed to the actual watching the game,” Doyle said. “And you know, I like the social part of it, too.”

Doyle said that he’s not rooting for anyone, as his team, the Detroit Lions, did not make it to the big game.

“I don’t have a favorite. I was a Lions fan so for 49ers people, happy for you. Sad for the Lions.”

While playing guitar in the Arcata Plaza, Lyndin Landry stated that he spends Super Bowl Sunday with those close to him.

“I love to watch the Super Bowl with my people,” Landry said. “My family and my friends.”

Landry had a clear favorite and a cheeky explanation why.

“I’m rooting for the 49ers because they kick butt,” Landry said.

Rion Bagwell, originally from Palmdale, said that the Super Bowl is an entertaining event that’s best spent with loved ones.

“It’s entertainment. It’s just something to watch,” Bagwell said. “Get together with friends and family and just have fun.”

Bagwell has always been true to Kansas City.

“Kansas City Chiefs,” Bagwell said when asked who he’d like to win. “Always been a fan.”

An Everett’s regular, John Libby, said that he watches the game because they always play it at the bar. Libby offered an insight into the best part of the game.

“The comradery of it,” Libby said. “Watching people get excited about the game.”

Libby said that his pick depends largely on locale and that San Francisco won his heart, rather than Kansas City.

“I root for whatever city I like the best,” Libby said. “I spent some time this winter in Kansas City and it was freezing. It’s much nicer in San Francisco.”

Whether you’re rooting for the 49ers or the Chiefs, or even Taylor Swift, we hope you have a lovely Super Bowl weekend.