Football fans gather at the Blue Lake Casino Wave Lounge


The weekend of the big game is a time for fun parties, good food and good company. The Blue Lake Casino Hotel had all of that. Football fans gathered in the Wave Lounge at the Casino to watch the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs battle it out.

Robert Toops, a 49ers fan, came to the party for the big TV, the food and to meet up with some friends. He said that the big game brings people together, mostly for the food, but also for the game.

“Food is number one. It always brings everybody around together,” Toops said. “And then whether you’re going for the same team or different team, it’s just super fun to have a rivalry or for everybody to just come together and root for the same team”

This year, the Casino offered “The Ridiculously Big Game Ticket.” Alberto Cuevas, a Blue Lake Casino marketing employee, explained it.

“If you spend 10, you get a great value of 25 dollars back in free play and also this exclusive deal, you get to throw on our football toss,” Cuevas said. “You get to test your skills on how your football throws are. If you make it on the one, two or three you earn some free play all the way to a room stay if you get those envelopes.”

The watch party was a lively event with camaraderie and sportsmanship.

Frank Railton, another 49ers fan, enjoyed the festivities.

“Yeah, it’s a great party,” Railton said. “It’s cool. I like it.”