The annual International Latino Film Festival is showcasing three films at the Mill Creek Cinema


The annual International Latino Film Festival–a collaboration between Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods–celebrates Latino culture through film. This is the 25th anniversary.

The three-day film event will include a keynote speaker, Dr. Myrna Santiago from Saint Mary’s College of California to share a lecture before each film.

“Each night we will have the keynote introduce the film and give a little talk, orienting the crowd to what to look for in the film,” said Matthew Dean, the Department Chair of World Language at Cal Poly Humboldt. “Then we’ll screen the film and after the film airs, we’ll take a break and there’ll be a panel discussion.”

The Latino Film Festival is a three-day event starting on February 27 at 6 p.m. at the Mill Creek Cinema. The featured films during the festival include Nostalgia de la Luz, Embrace of the Serpent, and A Million Miles Away. 

This a free event open to the public and college students. While the festival is open to the general public to enjoy, college students can gain school credit for viewing the films.  

“A lot of times the films will bring out societal issues or political issues and in this case, environmental issues,” Dean said. “And that gives us a chance to talk about those issues in Latin America or here.” 

Every year there is a theme that’s reflected in each film. This year’s topic is environmental issues. Students or the public don’t have to enroll in a class it is as simple as showing up to the theatre to participate.

“There is no cost or anything,” Dean said. “Just show up at the theater. Each night it will start around 6:00. We’ll have some time for acknowledgments and the keynote introduction before we start to screen the film.” 

This year the festival is partnering with Equity Arcata to provide translation services for the speeches and the Q&A sessions.

Since this is the 25 anniversary of the annual International Latino Film Festival, they will be recognizing people who contributed to the festival over the years to honor their efforts and support.

Flyer to the International Latino Film Festival.