College of the Redwoods President Speaks on Campus Protests


EUREKA, CA–“I really applaud the fact that students and faculty are exercising First Amendment rights to make their voices known and heard. I think that’s always positive and I always support that,” CR President Keith Flamer said. 

President Keith Flamer at College of the Redwoods is talking about the protests at Cal Poly Humboldt, just a few miles away.

“I haven’t seen that level of violence of the Cal Poly protests, which is really good. And I think that the students there are strong in their messaging,” Flamer said. “I think that that’s what higher education, quite frankly, is all about, is how do we teach people and encourage people to get involved to make change.”

Flamer and other faculty decided to use this as a teaching moment on the importance of history and education.

“Over 30,000 women and children have died in the last 200 days. And that’s something that we never want to see, I think that the United States is in a position to make a difference,” Flamer said. “So that’s why we called on the Biden administration to do as much as they can and do more than what they’re doing.”

Last Friday, College of the Redwoods sent a letter to President Biden calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. 

“I think that we have a moral responsibility to add our voice to others that are calling for peace, but also the fact that the humanitarian toll it’s taking on on both sides. Right. So it’s not a political statement,” Flamer said. “It’s the fact that the Israelis are dying, the Palestinians are dying, and we have to find a way out. And so our call is just to cease fire and start the dialog about what’s best and how we can have a shared interest in moving forward.”

Wednesday afternoon, Cal Poly Humboldt issued a statement about supporting the “rights of students and others to assemble peacefully, and have their voices heard.”

adding “We must also recognize the difference between free speech and unlawful activities.”

Monday night Cal Poly Humboldt also said individuals who weren’t permitted on campus could face: “corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.”

Are there any repercussions for CR students who were participating in the protests? 

“Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Again, I support students and faculty, their right to protest. And if they were doing it in a very peaceful way, I 100% support it,” Flamer said.