A window into Loleta’s future with the revitalization of the Loleta Creamery


It may be a far cry from its glory days, yet the Loleta Creamery remains an important part of Loleta’s future.

Nadia and Dave Matthews bought the property hoping to give back to Loleta.

“The plans are just to breathe some life back into it. I grew up in a small town and there used to be nothing going on. There was antique shops that were occasionally open. And you know, when I see Loleta, I. It reminds me of our small town,” Nadia said.

The Matthews let us roam inside the creamery’s remains with former tanks and equipment remaining amid the graffiti.

Debris lingers across the rooms, but the structure remains sound with a glimpse of its history.

Since acquiring the creamery, the Matthews have learned about its past life from members of the Loleta community.

“Our neighbors will will tell us stories. I’m getting messages on, on Facebook about how this facility impacted their childhoods and what they remember, and the milk trucks coming in and running to go see the milk trucks as they filled up and take off,” Nadia said.

“Even though no one wanted the demolition. Everybody’s excited that something is happening. Everyone has worked here or their parents worked here. Their grandparents worked here,” Dave said.

The Matthews hope to create a new thriving space for community and private events while still honoring its roots.

However, that will take a few years due to the need for funding to continue revitalizing.

“And everyone always asks, ‘Well, what’s what are you going to put in here? What are you going to do?’ It’s like, well, after we pay the wonderful man that’s helping us do the demo, then we’ll have to figure that out,” Dave said.

The creamery is a part of the town’s history and horror film history.

Having been the setting of the silver shamrock factory in “halloween iii: season of the witch,” people have been asking to own a brick from the property.

Nadia Matthews sells bricks at $5 apiece, with some of the proceeds going to the Loleta Union Elementary and the Loleta Chamber of Commerce.

“It’s a small school. Attendance is where it’s sitting. It’s not at maximum capacity. So, we know that when attendance is down, funding also comes down. When your funding is cut like that because you don’t have the attendance to support it, it’s a huge impact,” Nadia said. “And so we have an opportunity to help. I don’t want to be selfish about this. The whole reason we bought this is to breathe life back into the people who live and breathe here.”

It’s all part of the revitalizing Loleta for the future.

The Matthews also have a Facebook page for the Loleta Creamery for the latest updates

Those looking to purchase a brick for themselves can contact Nadia by emailing info@loletacreamery.com